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Editing files

To edit a file from the Unix CLI, you can use nano or vim.


nano myfile.txt

Nano uses the Ctrl-key for special commands. The interface tells you which shortcut does what, where ^X means Ctrl X

Shortcut Command
^O Ctrl O save file
^X Ctrl X exit; quit
^W Ctrl W search


vim myfile.txt

Vim has two modes, and starts in Command mode by default.

Shortcut Command
Command mode
i insert; go to editing mode
w jump to next word
dd delete a line
p paste deleted line
/foo search for text foo
/ repeat previous search
:syntax on enable syntax colors
:u undo
:w write / save file
:q quit
:wq write and quit
:wq! force write and quit
Editing mode
Esc go to command mode